Wildlife Documentary

Camera is just a tool. Your creative mind and the gained skills make the difference. Wildlife videography is a valuable skill that is worth mastering in your life.

As a part of the Nature Video Competition organized by BEEZ in collaboration with Eco-Volunteers, for the celebration of 100th anniversary of Faculties of Science and Arts, an online workshop has been arranged which will be conducted by Mr. Rukmal Ratnayake, a famous wildlife documentary filmmaker.

Join with us via the following zoom link on 29th December 2020 at 9.00 am to explore the unseen beauty of nature in a novel manner.

Topic: Let's make a Nature Video
Time: Dec 29, 2020 09:00 AM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 664 9091 1647
Passcode: BEEZvid@9